Famous Geese

King Louis XVI & Maximillian Robspierre

King Louis XVI & Robspierre

King Louis XVI (left) was the last Bourbon king of France. During his reign, due to the 3 estate system, there was unprecedented wealth inequality. The 3 estate system divided the country into clergymen, nobility, and commoners. While the third estate made up 96% of France's population, the top 10% wealthiest persons held 90% of the country's wealth because the third estate was forced to pay all of the tax as both the first and second estates were largely expemted from tax collection. Additionally, the third estate lacked any meaningful political power. They were denied the ability to gain jobs and positions of power and during national assemblies each estate was given equal votes and thus the third estate could be outvoted every time by the 4% of people in the first and second estates. Mainly because of these issues, although there are others, the French Revolution began which saw the death of Louis and with it the French monarchy.
Maximillian Robspierre (right) was instrumental in the execution of King Louis XVI and many others. Leader of the Jacobin party, he was the primary figure in the instigation and scope of the "Reign of Terror". The Reign of Terror was a period of time during the French Revolution wherein almost every person was under threat of being executed - famously, most if not all executions were carried out by the guillotine. Ironically, he too in 1794 was executed by the guillotine.

DISCLAIMER: While I don't knowingly write any incorrect or fallacious facts here, I also have not done extensive research or fact-checking. I have used what I think are reputable sources and stayed within generally accepted territory. Take everything with a Wikipedia level grain of salt: probably right, no reason for it to be wrong, but could still be wrong.
