Famous Geese

Ghengis Khan & Borte

Ghengis Khan & Borte

Ghengis Khan (top) was a Mongolian conquerer. In his conquests, he built the largest contigous empire in history, in total reigning over all of Mongolia, Khazakstan, Northern China, and under his children, the empire expanded to contain all of china, western Russia, Turkey, and Korea. Ghengis Khan was a ruthless in his efforts. Skilled light horse archers they were devastating to slow close combat armies. Interestingly, despite their ruthless approach to war, the Mongols were very accepting of different religions and belief systems because it was understood that the Mongolian religion was uniquely tied to their homeland steppes. Because of this and the grand size and safety inside the empire, Eurasian trade and cultural exchange flourished.
Borte (bottom), the grand empress of the Mongolian empire and first wife of Ghengis Khan, was not merely a wife. She was a very influential consultant to Ghengis Khan, convincing him to go to war against to Qongqotan. She was a ruler; she managed the Mongolian homeland and managed her own court.

DISCLAIMER: While I don't knowingly write any incorrect or fallacious facts here, I also have not done extensive research or fact-checking. I have used what I think are reputable sources and stayed within generally accepted territory. Take everything with a Wikipedia level grain of salt: probably right, no reason for it to be wrong, but could still be wrong.
Citation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szxPar0BcMo https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%B6rte#cite_note-:1-3 (yes it's wikipedia, but like why would someone put misinformation on this page?)
