Famous Geese

Lee Harvey Oswald & John F Kennedy

Lee Harvey Oswald & John F Kennedy

Lee Harvey Oswald (right) was the assisin of John F Kennedy. Originally a US marine, he defected to the soviet union and worked in a factory. However, soon after he returned to the United States where he attempted to assasinate Edwin Walker, and did asssinate, of course, John F Kennedy.
John F Kennedy (Left) was the president of the United States. His most notable accomplishments and succcesses during this time were the Space Race, The Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, and the Alliance for Progress. Additionally, JFK oversaw the Cuban Missle Crisis and the Bay of Pigs, which, while it didn't result in nuclear war, came awfully close due to, but not limited to escalation on his part.

DISCLAIMER: While I don't knowingly write any incorrect or fallacious facts here, I also have not done extensive research or fact-checking. I have used what I think are reputable sources and stayed within generally accepted territory. Take everything with a Wikipedia level grain of salt: probably right, no reason for it to be wrong, but could still be wrong.
